Washington Winter Show 2024

DIRECTORS’ LETTER 2024 WASHINGTON WINTER SHOW 5 This page is sponsored by Mrs. H. Bartholomew Cox and Mrs. William J. Curtin T he Washington Winter Show Board of Directors extends heartfelt congratulations and profound gratitude to our eminently talented and creative 2024 Show chairs, Kathy M. Prendergast and Suzanne Duvall Stelljes, and their very accomplished and skilled committee. Their synergistic energy has brought us For the Joy of It, a wonderfully rich and exciting Show celebrating the creation of beautiful spaces. It is a Show sure to delight every sense and sensibility. Their combined dedication and tireless effort as well as the generous support of our Sponsors and Benefactors have ensured our continued ability to support three local charities—The Founder’s Board of St. John’s Community Services, Building Bridges Across the River, andThe Bishop JohnT. Walker School for Boys—as they endeavor to provide exceptional services for at-risk children and families throughout ourWashington, DC, community. Without the steadfast support of all of you, the WashingtonWinter Show would be impossible. FOR THEIR SUPPORT AND GENEROSITY, WE ARE INDEBTED TO THE MANY SPONSORS AND INDIVIDUALS THAT MAKE THE SHOW SUCCESSFUL YEAR AFTER YEAR. THEY INCLUDE: • The Katzen Arts Center at American University for collaborating with us to bring a weekend of fine arts and programming to Washington each January. • The Lemon Foundation for its unwavering support of the WashingtonWinter Show throughout the years. • Zantzinger Built for its hosting of our PreviewNight VIP Reception welcoming our charities, sponsors, and weekend speakers. • Farrow & Ball for graciously donating its paint to color our walls, bringing Joy throughout the weekend as our Brand Ambassador. • DOYLE for its fall collaboration providing our Benefactors with an advance preview of the auction featuring Jean Schlumberger’s jewelry inspired by the natural world and support of our catalogue. • Carlsen Design & Construction for its commitment to the production of our brochure reaching 35,000 households. • Tudor Place for graciously opening its doors in October for the debut of our Young Collector’s Circle and to Bluepoint Hospitality for inviting members of this group to Easton, Maryland to enjoy the extraordinary culinary experience of Bas Rouge. •  FREDERICMagazine for its media sponsorship of our Design Panel and sharing advance copies of its winter edition. • Our trusted advisors Bill Curtin, MarciaMayo and Amy Porter Stroh for their enthusiasm and leadership in the support of our growth. • Kalorama Group for its steadfast support of our programs throughout the years. • Ellen MacNeille Charles for her ongoing support of the Show and participation in Saturday’s lecture in celebration of her grandmother, Marjorie Merriweather Post. • The Potomack Company Auction House for its continued support of our brochure and collaboration in creative programming. • Alisann and Terry Collins Foundation for their generous support of our growing programming. • Welcome to VOX Communications in its generous sponsorship of our Saturday Lecture. • Hillwood’s Jessica Bonilla and AmyWilber for sharing their artistry and knowledge with our community to design orchid arrangements that bring the Antiques Alive within the Katzen. • SCOUT Brands for its generous support of our Sunday Lecture and surprises for our Youngest Collectors. • The Gordon F. Linke & Jocelyn B. Linke Foundation for its ongoing support of the Show and our beloved Jazz Night. • HUB International and its ongoing commitment to the Show as lead sponsor of our Sunday lecture. • The Curtin Family for their hosting of our youngest collectors with Treats and Treasures on Sunday curated to introduce the joy of collecting. • To our pro-bono lawyers at Wiley Law and Hogan Lovells, without whom the Show could not remain in good standing. The success of this 69th annual WashingtonWinter Show is directly attributable to the dedication and commitment of every one of you, and for that we are profoundly grateful. We count on your continued energy and support as we look forward to celebrating our landmark 70th Anniversary in 2025! With deep appreciation, JoAnn Dullahan, President, Board of Directors