Washington Winter Show 2023
118 BOOTH 2–9 PAGE 62 G. SERGEANT ANTIQUES 289 Main Street South Woodbury, CT 06798 203.266.4177 gary@gsergeant.com www.gsergeant.com BOOTH 3–12 PAGE 63 GATES ANTIQUES LTD. 12700 Old Buckingham Road Midlothian, VA 23113 804.794.8472 jgates@gatesantiques.com www.gatesantiques.com BOOTH 3–9 PAGE 64 GEORGIAN MANOR ANTIQUES P.O. Box 271 Fairhaven, MA 02719 508.991.5675 inquiries@georgianmanorantiques.com www.georgianmanorantiques.com BOOTH 3–4 PAGE 65 GLEN LEROUX ANTIQUES 51 Riverside Avenue Westport, CT 06880 203.227.8030 glenaleroux@yahoo.com www.glenlerouxantiques.com BOOTH 2–12 PAGE 66 GUARISCO GALLERY 2828 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. (Georgetown), Washington, D.C. 20007 202.333.8533 guariscogallery@guariscogallery.com www.guariscogallery.com BOOTH 2–1 PAGE 67 THE HANEBERGS ANTIQUES East Lyme, CT 06333 860.389.1908 chaneberg@aol.com www.hanebergsantiques.com BOOTH 2–5 PAGE 68 J & M ANTIQUES & DESIGN 6407 Transit Road East Amherst, NY 14051 716.553.8055 grace8238@aol.com www.jandmantiques.com BOOTH 1–10 PAGE 69 JANICE PAULL Greenville, Delaware 210.960.0363 janice@janicepaull.com www.janicepaull.com BOOTH 1–1 PAGE 70 JAYNE THOMPSON ANTIQUES 847 Kennedy Bridge Road Harrodsburg, KY 40330 859.748.5628 info@jaynethompsonantiques.com www.jaynethompsonantiques.com BOOTH 3–1 PAGE 71 JONATHAN TRACE P.O. Box 420 Portsmouth, NH 03802 603.431.1197 jtraceantiques@mac.com BOOTH 3–14 PAGE 72 KELLEHER FINE ART Turlock, CA 209.890.5578 info@kelleherfineart.com www.kelleherfineart.com BOOTH 1–12 PAGE 73 KRUGGEL ANTIQUES Rochester NY 585.615.9072 donald.p.kruggel@gmail.com
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