Philadelphia Antiques Show 2024

18 ACKNOWL EDGEMENT S The Philadelphia Show gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and businesses who have given their time, energy, and resources to support the 2024 Show. Our continued success is due in large measure to their considerable generosity. The Philadelphia Museum of Art recognizes Philadelphia as part of the ancestral homelands of the Lenape peoples. A long history of broken treaties, forced migrations, and fraudulent agreements displaced many of the Lenape from this land. This museum and our staff strive to understand our place within the legacy of colonization and to act as allies to Lenape people and their vibrant communities today, including the federally recognized Nations: Delaware Tribe, Delaware Nation, and the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. We pay honor and respect to Lenape ancestors by committing to build a more inclusive and equitable space for all. AC KNOWL E D GME N T S VOLUNTEERS Amy Fox, Chair Ellen Simon, Vice Chair Anne Hamilton, Honorary Chair Ellen Caplan, PMA Board Chair The Philadelphia Show Committee The Women’s Committee Dealers’ Committee